Posted by : Posted on : 08-Nov-2018

8 November 2018

 Solomon Islands: Use the occasion of Remembrance Day to honour the memory of those lost in war but also to pursue the path of reconciliation and peace at home

This coming Sunday is Armistice Day, also known as Remembrance Day and the day when people in Britain, the Commonwealth, France, Belgium and in many other countries remember those who were lost in the Great War, the Second World War and who died in conflict since those times.

In my published book ‘Policing a clash of Cultures, “I wrote the following Dedication

“For the men and women who fought and died defending the nation during the occupation of the Solomon Islands during World War II

The sacrifices made by their selfless acts of bravery and heroism should serve as a lasting legacy of the need to serve, protect and preserve the sovereignty of the Solomon Islands now and forever”.

The Solomon Islands endured civil conflict between late 1998 and up till 2003 and this Sunday one should reflect on the causes of that conflict and in the collective consciousness of the people declare there will be no more internal conflict and vow to pursue the path of reconciliation and peace.

I would ask you all too please remember "Without freedom there can be no ensuring peace and without peace no enduring freedom."2

Yours sincerely

Frank Short




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