Could ginger be grown commercially in the Solomon Islands?

Could ginger be grown commercially in the Solomon Islands?

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 27-Jul-2021

Could ginger be grown commercially in the Solomon Islands?

I have always been keen to see the Solomon Islands prosper with commercial cultivation of crops that bring benefit for growers and boost the national economy by exports,

I am yet to see pineapples grown, processed, and exported fresh or as canned or fruit juice products. Noni fruit is still in its infancy but good to know the potential for growing and marketing has been acknowledged by MAL.

Markets are still to be secured possibly in Australia for cassava and taro, but the prospects for the export of kava is looking favourable with some likely lifting on imports being hinted at by Australia.

Copra and cocoa exports are also looking optimistic.

What about ginger? Could ginger be commercially viable as a crop with a ready market in China?

Ginger likes a tropical climate and I rather suspect it could be successfully cultivated and exported in root form or crushed to produce ginseng.

A book on the successful cultivation of ginger was written in 2019 by Craig Wallin and I read a piece on the internet today about growing ginseng for profit by Mr. Wallin.

I will quote the article and be clear to mention it is subject to copyright


Ginseng is one of the most popular, and most profitable, herbs in the world. It’s fairly easy to grow too. In just a few years’ time, you can have a successful ginseng growing business. Here’s how:

Ginseng’s popularity is nothing new. It’s certainly not a fad. In fact, ginseng has been popular for hundreds and hundreds of years. Ginseng actually helped finance the American Revolution, and mentions of the popular herb show up in George Washington’s diaries. The Chinese have used ginseng for thousands of years.

So why is ginseng so popular? Why is it the most profitable herb you can grow? Easy, its medicinal uses. Ginseng has been known to lower cholesterol, increase blood circulation to the brain, lower blood pressure, increase vitality, strengthen the nervous system and much, much more. Because it takes time to grow, mature roots bring as much as $600 a pound. Now that’s profitable!

Growing ginseng isn’t too difficult. It doesn’t require a full-time commitment either. You can still have a full-time job and other commitments. You just need a few hours a week to give your ginseng the care and attention it needs. One of the key ingredients to success as a ginseng grower is patience. Ginseng does not grow overnight. In fact, it can take about five or six years until your roots are mature enough to sell. Don’t fret, while you’re waiting for that, you can make good money selling seed and rootlets, which are possible to sell after just a couple years. A half-acre of ginseng can be worth as much as $100,000 after five or six years.

There are three methods to growing ginseng. One is the “artificial shade” method, which is usually too expensive for small growers, as the start-up costs are quite expensive. The other two methods are “wild-simulated” and “woods-cultivated.” Unless if you have a few acres of dense hardwoods, you’ll probably want to use the woods-cultivated method. In this method you plant your ginseng under a canopy of hardwood trees.

Before planting your ginseng, make sure you have healthy soil. It needs to have a pH between 5.0 and 6.0, and be well-drained. Check for disease and pest problems too. As your ginseng grows you’ll want to keep checking for disease and pest problems. Be sure to only use organic matter, such as compost and leaf mold. For pest and disease problems, once again only use organic solutions, such as yellow sticky traps.

When you’re ready to sell your seed, rootlets and mature roots, you have three main ways you can do so. First you can sell to wholesale buyers. This gets you paid right away, and you can sell right out of your backyard nursery. Next, you can sell to out-of-state buyers. When shipping your ginseng, treat it like grandma’s fine china. Package it carefully! Finally, you can sell to ginseng brokers who buy ginseng in bulk and then resell it to other people. If you’re selling seed and rootlets, you can sell direct to purchasers who are just starting a ginseng patch. Try one, or all of these, and you’ll soon see what works best for you and your ginseng garden.

Growing ginseng for profit is a great way to make some nice money. It doesn’t require a full-time commitment either. In just five or six years’ time, you can be making nice money with ginseng production. To learn more about growing ginseng, read our new second edition grower’s guide.

End of Quote.

Source: Growing Ginseng for Profit by Craig Wallin. Copyright @ 2021,eleven40 Pro on Genesis Framework · WordPress · Log in


Perhaps MAL could explore the possibility of farming ginger to aid local farmers looking for an easy to grow and profitable root crop.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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