Medical check-ups urged for men to avoid getting prostate cancer

Medical check-ups urged for men to avoid getting prostate cancer

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 14-Jun-2021

Writing as one who is unfortunately no stranger to prostate cancer, I write to urge men in the Solomon Islands to make time for a regular check-up at a hospital for an examination of their prostate gland and to get a simple blood test called a PSA (prostate specific antigen) to monitor their prostate health.

I did read that locally prostate cancer had risen by 125 percent in men over recent years and today prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in many countries. In New Zealand, for example, more than 650 deaths each year are known to have occurred from prostate cancer as of 2018, according to NZ Ministry of Health statistics.

I believe it is time for men to change their attitudes to health check-ups and make time for regular health appointments.

I write this without the knowledge of whether the National Referral Hospital has a resident urologist and whether there are urologists at provincial hospitals in the country. I do not know either whether PSA testing is undertaken at hospitals or health clinics, or indeed private health practices in the Solomons, but hope arrangements are available.

If not then I would urge the MHMS to see to the appointment of urologists as essential specialists caring for men’s health.

Prostate cancer is often referred to as a ‘silent killer’ and to avoid getting it (or treating it early enough) men must regularly have an examination of the prostate gland (a digital examination) and a PSA test.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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