11 July 2022
Australia has provided a new vehicle to the Solomon Islands Association of Vocational Rural Training Centres (SIAVRTC) to support its service delivery to national training providers.
The handover was part of Australia’s commitment to strengthen technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Solomon Islands through its flagship TVET program, the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC).
The handover was made by Counsellor for Human Development at the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands, Mika Kontiainen to the SIAVRTC Director, Billy Mae, and witnessed by a member of the SIAVRTC Board and Education Secretary for Catholic Education, Modesta Hasiau.
The SIAVRTC is an umbrella body established for Rural Training Centres (RTCs) and non-formal educational institutions for young men and women in Solomon Islands.
SIAVRTC Director, Billy Mae said the vehicle will play an important role in helping SIAVRTC with its delivery of services to 68 national training providers under its mandate.
“TVET is important in ensuring that Solomon Islands is ready for the future. Supporting SIAVRTC with transportation will help in the mobilisation of the national training providers. This support signifies our efforts to improve the standard of vocational training in Solomon Islands as well as strengthening the relationship between SIAVRTC and national training providers,” Mr Kontiainen said.
“I am proud to see APTC’s growing relationship with SIAVRTC and National Training Providers in Solomon Islands by providing essential resources and equipment to enable you to carry out your vital work. APTC is actively supporting National Training Providers to adopt and pilot the National Skills Training Package, accredited by Solomon Islands Tertiary Education and Skills Authority (SITESA),” he added.
APTC works closely with local industries and national training providers to ensure the training provided to students meets domestic and international training needs.
Since its establishment in 2007, APTC has trained more than 2,100 Solomon Islanders with vocational skills and qualifications.
Sources: APTC and Solomon Times Online.
APTC is a centre for training excellence providing Australian standard qualifications in various vocational areas. APTC programs are delivered by highly regarded, qualified trainers and are relevant and aligned with current and future career opportunities for graduates – careers where skilled employees are in high demand. As Australia’s flagship technical and vocational education and training investment in the region, APTC serves ten Pacific Island countries: Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Nauru, Tuvalu, Tonga and Kiribati.
APTC is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short