Posted by : Posted on : 23-Jan-2017
Honiara :  23 January 2017
Letter to the Editor,  Solomon Star and Island Sun Newspapers.
It has been announced that the Solomon Islands Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening programme is set to further expand Community governance and Grievance Management Projects in other provinces other than Rennell/Bellona and Makira/Ulawa provinces where the project has already been piloted.
The information on the project work is sketchy although it is reported the World Bank has said the aim of the project work is geared at employing community officers to help chiefs, elders, woman, youth and church leaders to resolve disputes within communities.
So far, it is believed the early project work has been supported by the RSIPF.
There is no information on the success or otherwise of the project work done so far but local disputes are potential security threats that need closer attention as the deadline for the withdrawal of RAMSI draws nearer.
I trust we will learn, in more detail, what has been achieved to-date with the pilot project and what the future intentions and plans entail, including whether the World Bank has funded the work and will continue to do so.

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