Covid reportedly easing but the threats of diabetes remains

Covid reportedly easing but the threats of diabetes remains

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 15-Apr-2022
Covid reportedly easing but the threats of diabetes remains

From all recent news stories that I have read the threat to health imposed by Covid-19 and the variants of Delta and Omnicom have been lessoning at home and the measures enforced by the government with the support of front-liners, quarantine staff, the MHMS, and with equipment and vaccines from diplomatic partners brought about praiseworthy results.

One should be mindful too of the many hardships endured by the citizens having to self isolate in their homes and often facing food shortages and limited access to the basic kind of “first aid” medication for symptoms relief such as Paracetamol, and throat lozenges.

Much appreciation is given to all those who helped with home food deliveries at the height of the pandemic crises, as well as thanks to Solomon Airways which delivered both medicine and food, regionally.

The government is considering opening up air borders possibly as soon as July and I would hope to see the return of travelers and a return a level of normalcy one experienced before the onset of Covid.

In the meantime vaccinations against Covid must be kept up and the safety measures of frequent hand washing or the use of hand gel encouraged and practiced.

While the incidents of Covid might now be easing, the degree of diabetes is not lessening and much effort must be put into reducing the disease through proper diet and more exercise.

How one might know of having the first signs of diabetes?

According to an expert, here are some telltale signs to look out for - 


· Signs like dark skin patches, slow-healing wounds, or frequent bathroom trips may indicate diabetes.

A breath that smells like acetone may signal a life-threatening complication of diabetes.

It can take years to develop. A lot of times, people walk around and they don't know.

But certain telltale cues can help you determine if you may have diabetes. Changes to your skin, weight, and bathroom habits could all suggest problems with blood sugar control — although no single symptom necessarily means you have diabetes, experiencing several may warrant a trip to the doctor, El Sayed said.

Developing darker patches of skin may be a sign of diabetes

One less commonly discussed sign of diabetes is changes in skin tone and texture, often occurring at joint creases such as the nape of the neck or under the arms, according to El Sayed of the American Diabetes Association.

The patches can be triggered by high levels of insulin, causing skin cells to grow more rapidly. Technically known as "acanthosis nigricans", the discoloration can occur in people of any skin tone.

"It may be easier to detect in people with fair skin, but in people with darker skin you can still see it in comparison to the surrounding area," El Sayed said.

The texture of the skin may also change, becoming thicker or developing a velvety feel.

Slow-healing wounds or frequent infections can be caused by high blood sugar

If small injuries like scrapes and bruises don't heal, you might have high blood sugar related to diabetes, El Sayed said.

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, which can slow circulation, interfering with the body's ability to heal. As a result, you may not recover as quickly from injuries, and open wounds may be more prone to infection.

You may also be more susceptible to other types of infection, including yeast infections or skin infections.

Another classic indicator of diabetes is more frequent urination.

What counts as "frequent" can vary — it might be as many as 20 trips to the bathroom in a day for some people, but could also be much more subtle, according to El Sayed.

"If you typically go 2 or 3 times a day, and are suddenly going 8 times a day, that may be a problem," she said.

Increased urgency, or an inability to make it to the bathroom in time, is another warning sign.

"If you find yourself restricting the amount of water you drink, that's not good," El Sayed said.

Sudden, unexplained weight loss is the reason for testing

Abruptly losing weight may be another indicator your body isn't able to manage blood sugar or insulin. Weight loss could have many explanations, not just diabetes, but combined with other symptoms is a good reason to get tested, El Sayed said.

If your breath smells like nail polish remover, you may need serious medical attention

Many common signs of diabetes are reasons to make a doctor's appointment, but in some cases, more urgent medical care is required.

Smelling acetone or nail polish remover on someone's breath could be a sign of a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. The telltale smell, shortness of breath, or changes to your mental state such as disorientation or forgetfulness are reasons to seek medical help immediately, El Sayed said.

End of quote.

Source US Diabetes Association and Yahoo.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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