Encouraging new developments that have made the SI news headlines

Encouraging new developments that have made the SI news headlines

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 01-Oct-2022
Encouraging new developments that have made the SI news headlines

Writing about events and happenings affecting people and life in the Solomon Islands, as I so often try to do, I have been encouraged by a series of occurrences in the past week or so which auger well in the context of health services and in the bigger picture for financial support for the nation’s development aims.

I don’t think I need to write in too much detail about what I have noticed as taken place because there has been much media coverage at home and in my posts on both Linkedin and on Facebook.

The building of a new mini hospital in Malaita is the first happening that comes to mind, followed by news of several building contractors given contracts by the government to build several rural medical centers and rural health clinics.

News of the mini hospital and the development of health centres and health clinics come to me with great satisfaction, as I am sure it does too many local people. I hope the government will continue to further the building of essential health facilities so essential in the rural parts of the country.

I have written much about NCDs and the way people’s lives are so terribly affected by diseases that are largely brought about by preventable measures, including following a change in lifestyle and dietary habits. I was especially pleased that the MHMS has taken the recent initiative to give advice on the kind of foods to eat to best avoid succumbing to NCD disease, especially diabetes, a scourge in the Solomon Islands. I hope the MHMS will give out the same kind of dietary message in colleges and schools

The USA’s promise of more financial and material support for Solomon Island’s development needs, announced in Washington, where Pacific leaders gathered last week, is very welcome and long overdue some might say.

All in all, I could say the news stories I have touched upon have been good for the people of the Solomon Islands and while much still needs to be done in terms of health services, especially the introduction of health screening programs, the rehabilitation of those that have undergone the surgical removal of lower limbs, the treatment and medical referrals of those with rheumatic heart and cancer, such as leukemia. I am really pleased to see some inroads to progress have been made,

Yours sincerely

Frank Short


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