Posted by : Posted on : 06-Jun-2018

Pelau women learn about family law

Quoting the Solomon Star newspaper – 6 June 2018

“WOMEN leaders from Pelau community in the Malaita Outer Island (MOI) for the first time got the opportunity to learn about recently passed Family Protection Act (FPA).

“This was when Willie Fafoi of the Auki Crime Prevention Unit travelled to the region late last month and conducted the awareness.

“Mr. Fafoi told the Solomon Star after returning from the trip the women leaders were happy to be informed about the new Act.

“It was their first time to learn about this very important act.”

“During the awareness, the leaders also learnt about understanding the drivers of crime at the community level, women in leadership, and crime prevention measures to reduce crime in the community level.”

Copyright:  Solomon Star.


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