18 April 2019
The Global Child Nutrition Foundation hoping to initiate a survey in the Solomon Islands.
I have been contacted by a Survey Associate for the Global Child Nutrition Foundation, based in Seattle in the United States and provided with the following information.
“GCNF has launched the Global Survey of School Meal Programs this year. Through this survey, we intend to cover large scale school feeding programs in countries all over the world including those that currently have no school feeding activities. The survey is designed to be filled in by a Survey Focal point and since we focus on National Government ownership and involvement, the Focal Point person is generally a Government Representative from the Ministry of Education who is involved with the school feeding program in the country.
“We were hoping to initiate the survey in Solomon Islands; however, we have been attempting to identify the government official from the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development to whom we can address our invitation to.
Could I please request the relevant government official to contact me via the link in my website www.solomonislandsinfocus.com and supply his/her name, position, email and possibly a contact telephone number?
Once I get the information I will gladly contact the GCNF and give the details to the person that wrote to me seeking help in making contact.
Please help!
Yours sincerely
Frank Short