Improved education the key to better understanding of national concerns, debate and participation

Improved education the key to better understanding of national concerns, debate and participation

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 07-Apr-2023
Improved education the key to better understanding of national concerns debate and participation

7 April 2023

Two well know persons in the Solomon Islands participated in an online discussion programmed that I watched today and one speaker in particular when asked about the impact of global warming on the Solomon Islands and how the country had been thrust into the geo-political spotlight it finds itself today answered by saying the people by and large are not aware of the implications to the country by the impact of global warming and the politics due to their educational limits.

The debate opened up by explaining the educational system was lacking and had been for several years. It was cited by both speakers there were not enough schools for a rising population and the overall educational system had failed.

It was proposed by one of the speakers the country should have a compulsory education system.

My focus for many years has been on health issues and needs but having listened to the points raised in the online discussion today, In was struck by the strength of arguments put forward by both speakers on the inability of the education system in the Solomon Islands and I believe education, and education needs, must to be raised as a matter of priority consideration by the government and those diplomatic partners that concern themselves about the nation's future.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short


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