Line Project to 141 homes in Central Guadalcanal
The Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE) and Solomon Power today signed a SBD$6.7 million agreement for the construction of an 11Kva Transmission Line Project that will see 141 homes in Central Guadalcanal have access to electricity.
The signing of the formal collaboration agreement between MMRE and Solomon Power marks a significant milestone for the Tina River Hydropower Development Project.
This is a fruition of the Community Benefit Sharing Project (CBSP), a partnership between communities in Bahomea and Malango and Solomon Power.
An arrangement that was done by the Tina River Hydro, and today sees the construction of an 11Kva Transmission Line running along the 8.5km road from Black Post leading up to Malango and Bahomea communities.
Speaking during today’s signing ceremony, Chairman of Solomon Power David K.C Quan O.B.E said the project will connect approximately 141 houses to the Honiara grid.
He said the project cost is around SBD$6.7 million and will be in construction for a duration of 111 days for HV extension and LV distribution network excluding service line connections and house wiring.
“Solomon Power is honoured to announce that our scope will also include energizing a total of 141 house connections by providing wiring connections inside these homes as part of this funding arrangement.
“This will not only achieve our goal of expanding the electricity grid but it will be a major boost for our local communities and the greater Solomon Islands economy,” Mr Quan said.
He said the project is about bringing benefits of energy from the larger Tina River Hydro Project to these communities and expanding Solomon Power’s network in the Guadalcanal province.
MMERE Minister Bradley Tovosia acknowledged the CBSP office [within the Tina River Project office] and Solomon Power for the effective strategic negotiation and dialogue made, a product of which is witnessed today.
“On a special note; I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the National Government and Development partners, for the united and strong-spirited effort into guiding the various dialogue towards achieving this milestone,” Mr Tovosia said.
He also acknowledged development partners for providing necessary technical support.
Minister Tovosia encouraged chiefs, local leaders and local communities around Malango and Bahomea to be visionary, organized, reasonable, appreciative and supportive to better harness the productive benefits of the project.
“Count yourself as the most privileged in Solomon, as this infrastructure will be amongst the first of the many which will come because of the Tina Hydro Project.
“Additionally, treat tina Project as an asset of the community and the constituency,” he said.
Guadalcanal Province premier, Francis Sade also throws full support for the project.
“Let me take this time to remind our donor partners, NGOs, SOEs and our national government, that the current Executive Government will continue to support such sustainable developments on Guadalcanal as long as it benefits the collective wishes of our people.
“This Tina River Hydro Development Project (TRHDP) epitomizes such major developments that Guadalcanal Province is keen to have,” Premier Sade said.
ANN City Power Solutions was contracted to construct the 11Kva transmission line from Black Post to Bahomea and Malango communities. The company will be deployed to the project site later this week.
Source. SIBC
Yours sincerely
Frank Short