Posted by : Posted on : 19-Aug-2019

PNG has 790 years of some drugs - none of others

Quoting Radio New Zealand � 19 August 2019

�A glut of largely useless medicines in Papua New Guinea has added to concerns about the management of drugs in the health sector.

�Hospital managers and doctors have complained for years that critical drugs are often not available to them.

�The government has previously responded that distribution centres have adequate supplies, while attributing blame to the way hospitals order their drugs.

�RNZ Pacific understands there are now huge quantities of some drugs in the distribution centres, that at current usage, could take up to 790 years to use up.

�But the drugs, which tend to be ones not used much in PNG, have a limited shelf life and so typically have to be disposed of after a few months.

�One health manager has written to the Health Minister Elias Kapovore this week to convey this point.�

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