Posted by : Posted on : 24-Nov-2018

24 November 2018

Solomon Islands: Bringing reparation to those still awaiting justice and healing.

It was mentioned in the Island Sun newspaper last week that outstanding issues of the ethnic tension will soon be addressed.

The particular article that I read said the Director of Peace and Reconciliation, under the MNURP, Mr. Reuben Lilo, had indicated the Ministry was now in “the scoping process” of the “Reparation Bill.” intended looking at the “old issues” and (it) would bring complete healing for the people.

Mr. Lilo also said (quote)

“So the bill (will) look at addressing old unresolved issues on loss of properties, loss of lives, loss of business, loss of education, health, land issues and all complicated cross cutting issues being captured in the bill.”

I hope that I live long enough to witness reparations for all those still needing healing in their lives after the tragic years of the so called ethnic tension.

I am not clear what Mr. Lilo referred to as “cross cutting issues,” but it would be my hope that some apologies might be made for the hate speech, racist slurs and malicious, untruthful words   that many, including myself, had to unfairly endure in those early years  and which still hurt deeply today.

In late 1998 and early 1999 hate speech was most prevalent in regional offshore newspapers and promulgated largely by two foreign based journalists who abandoned their code of ethics to report truthfully on the then situation in the Solomon Islands in order to promote values of equity and respect and to help uphold the rule of law.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short


Quick Enquiry