Posted by : Posted on : 28-Apr-2019

A haunting picture that speaks a thousand words.

Last week, following the nomination and election of Solomon Islands Prime Minister there was an outbreak of rioting in Honiara and some considerable property damage which the police is still assessing to determine the extent.

The jury is still out as to the probable true cause of the rioting although some media reports locally and overseas seem to have reached early conclusions and much finger pointing took place in the days following the announcement of the Prime Minister from the steps of the National Parliament.

I will not succumb to any particular theory but would suggest that the picture to this story tells a thousand words and an image that must focus the minds and actions of the new administration to really tackling the question of youth unemployment and to creating a channel of communication to the youth so their concerns, needs, ambitions and frustrations can be properly listened to and, hopefully, helped and, ideally, resolved.

Today�s photo image (posted on Linkedin) has been witnessed for more than two decades with different players and the time is up to stop the endless situation that has, hitherto, led to nowhere but increasing youth frustration, dissolution and pent-up anger that has constantly over-spilled� into property damage and, very regrettable, targeted all too often one particular section of the Honiara community and business sector.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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