Social media reveals sea-level threat in the Solomon Islands

Social media reveals sea-level threat in the Solomon Islands

Posted by : Frank Short Posted on : 10-Nov-2021
Social media reveals sea level threat in the Solomon Islands

Pictures on social media have revealed the immediate threat of sea level rise on the sea coasts around Solomon Islands.

This comes as global leaders and financiers are trying to find solutions on climate change in the 26 Climate of Parties Conference in Glasgow, United Kingdom.

During high tide, the sea level dropped very low but at high tide, the salt water was overflowing the wharf.

Solomon Star female reporter, Esther Nuria published a story and photos on the impact of climate change on people of Walande in South Malaita.

She covered the story after attending the Anglican Mothers Union meeting in Walande.

The story landed her the first prize at the end of the six weeks National Security Reporting Course organized by the Media Association of Solomon Islands and Australia Pacific Security College.

David Hiba Hiriasia, Director of the Solomon Islands National Meteorological Services in reference to sea level rise said the country expects more of these events this wet season because of the La Nina.

Mr. Hiriasi posted on Facebook that the trade winds push more warm water on our side of the pacific and so sea level is expected to be higher than average

Solomon Islands is one of the vulnerable countries having very limited financial capacity to fight against climate change.

In an interview with Island Sun Gizo recently, Deputy Secretary (Technical) of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, Chanel Iroi, said decision on Long Term Finance (LTF) must be reached at the COP26 meeting.

He said endorsement of the LTF will not only provide financial leverage to struggling small island states but also honor the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage which was one of the resolutions of Paris Agreement.

Mr. Iroi said Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on the effect of climate change in the coming years reemphasized the need for world leaders to endorse and roll out the LTF to vulnerable countries.

He said ground work on Loss and Damages must continue at the same time global leaders must make the right choice to reduce emissions so as facilitating financial resources towards mitigation and adaptation programs.

Mr. Iroi said priority areas for slow onset events and non-economic losses on the international stage while incorporate “limits to adaptation” in National Adaptation Plans and other GCF proposals is important.

Source. Island Sun newspaper

Yours sincerely

Frank Short

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