8 August 2018
SICCI tell the world “We’re ready for business investment.”
“SICCI’s Chair, Mr Jay Bartlett reportedly told the 2018 Papua New Guinea investment conference which concluded on Tuesday in Brisbane, Australia, that Solomon Islands has much to offer in terms of business investment.
Mr Bartlett told his audience about the Solomons niche market for tourism, speaking of the country’s unique history, flora, fauna and bountiful scenery and beaches.
He was also quoted as saying, “As a chamber, SICCI is driven by our vision to create jobs and improve welfare of Solomon Islanders.”
I wholly support what Mr Bartlett said and stand ready to help promote SICCI’s aims in encouraging and promoting business and investment in the Solomon Islands.
My existing website – www.solomonislandsinfocus.com can be used as a convenient vehicle to tell the world of what great business investment opportunities exist at home.
I will look forward to being able to help SICCI and should say my website will very soon be modified with new technology to further help all in the Solomon Islands.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short