5 September 2023
The Solomon Islands will soon be hosting the 2023 Pacific Games in Honiara which, although a relatively short-term event, I hope it will have lasting benefits in terms of promoting sport as a means of reducing a proportion of the overall health issues of the population already suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) although realistically as the venue for the Pacific Games will take place on the site of the former Lawson Tama ground in Honiara, I cannot see that happening unless the event is used by the MHMS to further the health benefits of sport by keeping healthy and fit in terms of what I would ascribe as a program of transforming health care.
In March 2017, yes already 6 years ago, the WHO told us the us the SIG was to set about transforming health care at home by brining health concerns closer home.
In the 2017 report, the WHO said, and I quote -
"About 30% of all births in the Solomon Islands happen at the National Referral Hospital, even though the capital accounts for just 13% of the sprawling archipelago’s population. Of the nation’s 157 doctors, 126 are based here."
I haven't the facts but has anything really changed in the past 6 years?
I have read of the many pledges of financial support for the upcoming Pacific Games by local business, large organization, foreign donors, including Australia, coming in addition to the very substantial investment by the PRC.
The financial support and contributions should help to see the short-term sporting event successfully accomplished, but in my way of thinking the same level of financial support has been long denied the NRH.
Yours sincerely
Frank Short