Women taught backyard gardening skills to aid home food production

Women taught backyard gardening skills to aid home food production

Posted by : frank short Posted on : 08-May-2021

Last week in Honiara a facilitator from the Kastom Gaden Association explained to women participants from the local YWCA the different kinds of plants that can be used to drive pests away from their vegetable gardens and also gave gardening tips for successful backyard production of vegetables

Up to 50 women and girls took part in a three-day “Backyard Gardening” training delivered by the Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) at their Burns Creek base last week.

The training was aimed at giving the women and girls basic knowledge and skills in backyard gardening and the funding for the training was provided by the Australian Government, through Live and Learn project.

I was pleased to have read of the gardening advice but as many would-be home gardeners have little space for vegetable growing at their homes, I would suggest using discarded plastic bottles could be of help in growing their vegetable needs.

To illustrate my point, I will post just a few images of what it is possible to achieve by using discarded containers in just a small space at home.

Yours sincerely

Frank Short


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