Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
“A record number of people visited the Cook Islands last year, when the country welcomed 168,760 visitors.Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
Environmentalists fear the grounding of a ship off Rennell Island in the Solomon Islands could bring more damage to a marine protected areaQuoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands (TSI) is urging East Kwaio Constituency in Malaita Province to stop from the intention not to cast their votes in the 201Quoting Radio New Zealand 13-Feb-2019
Axiom was granted the first ever mining lease for nickel in Solomon Islands in October 2018 – it took nearly a decade for the landowners and Axiom toQuoting Radio New Zealand 12-Feb-2019
trong> unemployment crisis due to the Government’s inability to create more jobs because of land issues?Quoting the Island S
Quoting Radio New Zealand 12-Feb-2019
p>“South Guale chiefs query $5million shipping grant
“A group of five chiefs from South Guadalcanal are demanding an explanation from for