TINA keeps moving with the implementation of its Covid safe plan

Frank Short 14-Feb-2022

 We have planned for this day eventuating and thankfully, we are prepared.”

The latest Covid-19 stories in the Pacific

Frank Short 13-Feb-2022

Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku this afternoon announced 44 new infections today.

SI working hard to combat the unwanted transmission of Covid but a much greater health concern and involving mortality involves NCDs in the country

Frank Short 13-Feb-2022

· Regular physical activity: Exercise can lower blood glucose levels and boost insulin sensitivity.

A lack of fuel said to be preventing medical team in Isabel Province from conducting swabbing or contact tracing.

Frank Short 12-Feb-2022

He also saidl the medical or Health team cannot attend to swabbing or contact tracing due to no fuel.

Buala communities urged to continue to listen for health guidance and adhere to advice given by Health authorities and the government in the fight against Covid due to a shortage of nurses.

Frank Short 12-Feb-2022

He said some of their nurses are currently stranded in Honiara due to the community transmission and cannot get back to the province to resume work.

Distribution of aid in Tonga starting to pick-up

Frank Short 11-Feb-2022

But the distribution process finally seems to be running smoothly on the ground now that the army has access to machinery.

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