Quoting Radio New Zealand 18-Mar-2019
A mining company Axiom has signed an in principle agreement with a major US multi-trading group Traxys Europe S.A for nickel ore sales for San Jorge fQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Mar-2019
THE Permanant Secretary for the Ministry of Public Service has urged all Nurses employed under the Solomon Islands Government to perform their dutiesQuoting Radio New Zealand 18-Mar-2019
LANDOWNER in East Are Are is demanding the Ministry of Forest and Research to clarify the status of double logging operations at Ruarata.Quoting Radio New Zealand 18-Mar-2019
A mining company Axiom has signed an in principle agreement with a major US multi-trading group Traxys Europe S.A for nickel ore sales for San Jorge fQuoting Radio New Zealand 17-Mar-2019
A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.Quoting Radio New Zealand 17-Mar-2019
The Solomon Islands will hold a national General Election on 3 April this year and it has been gratifying from a personal point of view to have read o