Seasonal workers' court action may set precedent for all on minimum wage

Frank Short 01-Jul-2022

Solomon Islanders Lyn Soapi, Danny Lau and Mary Lau are employed seasonally under the scheme by horticulturalists and viticulturalists.

USAID backed forest grant progresses into final phase

Frank Short 01-Jul-2022

The grants are categorized into three categories namely, Innovative, Critical and Capacity Development Grants.

Solomon Islands and India to Enhance Bilateral Cooperation

Frank Short 30-Jun-2022

Only a few days ago on 20 June 2022, I wrote to the local media and said.


Frank Short 29-Jun-2022

“NCD now tops the list of admission. The majority of people in admission are NCD patients

Afio health centre set for handover and opening

Frank Short 29-Jun-2022

The actual date for the official handing over and opening will be announced soon.

Enabling Good Lives with disability support in New Zealand

Frank Short 29-Jun-2022

Quoting the news from Radio New Zealand today, Thursday.

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