Sign language project initiated to improve access to quality education for deaf communities

Frank Short 20-Sep-2022

“San Isidro is a school for the handicapped -most hearing impaired and those unable to speak”.

Police Public Order Management and the need for reliable, sound intelligence prior to the deployment of public order management police personnel

Frank Short 20-Sep-2022

 This fact is an important one and should never be lost sight of by the police

Coastal Clean-up Day in the Solomon Islands

Frank Short 19-Sep-2022

Following the talks they all walked along the beach front together to clean-up the region between Eden Bay to Lela Beach.

Each of the 50 constituencies reportedly to received SBD6.8 million through CDF.

Frank Short 18-Sep-2022

Unfortunately, he said some constituencies throughout the country are still to see the positive impact of this fund.

Aspiring young female artist from Malaita Province deserves to be supported to pursue an Arts Degree in Australia

Frank Short 18-Sep-2022

Despite her achievements as an artist, Ms.Tagini said she encountered many challenges to reach the stage where she is today.

Supporting educational needs of children in Port Moresby

Frank Short 18-Sep-2022

Tips for Kids is also the “only” business providing tutoring for early childhood, and offering home school services in Port Moresby and su

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