East Malaita Constituency embarks on rice project

Frank Short 30-Aug-2022

“We want this proposal because this is the type of project that would boost our economy as well as create job opportunities for our rural people


Frank Short 30-Aug-2022

The Government has communicated its position to all countries requesting to send naval ships into Solomon Islands waters.

US Coast Guard vessel reportedly unable to refuel in the Solomon Islands

Frank Short 27-Aug-2022

The US Coast Guard says the ship was unable to make a scheduled routine port call at Honiara

Why sitting all day long is bad for your health, doctors emphasize

Frank Short 27-Aug-2022

Sitting for prolonged periods of time can also cause unwanted medical problems.

China eyeing land in the South Pacific creates 'considerable unease' in Australia, professor says

Frank Short 27-Aug-2022

Blaxland said he fears that China has effectively co-opted the Solomon Islands' government.

A free press but journalist must act responsibly

Frank Short 27-Aug-2022

The press, however, must be responsible. False reporting is counterproductive to a free press.

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