Medical referrals from the NRH to hospitals in India for treatment not available in the Solomon Islands.

Frank Short 19-Aug-2022

It is also my understanding that Dr.Yogesh of the NRH was tasked by the NRHS overseas Referral Committee in investigating the possibility of such

US donates additional critical health support

Frank Short 18-Aug-2022

HE United States Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United States Department of Defense, yeste

Notes on Type 2 diabetes for preventative screening

Frank Short 18-Aug-2022

· Increased appetite (as the body is unable to utilise the glucose present in the blood)

A new focus is needed by the MHMS/NRH on health prevention as a major primary objective

Frank Short 18-Aug-2022

I have been writing quite recently about what I see as health prevention being as a necessity and noted how Australia

Diabetes: Ways to manage it by eating fruits

Frank Short 17-Aug-2022

Listed are three of the most affordable fruits that you can easily add to your diet and manage this condition.

Pacific Migrant Workers and the Social Costs of Family Separation

Frank Short 17-Aug-2022

Read the full report Rapid analysis of family separation issues and responses in the PALM scheme – final report by Matt Withers.

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